So peeing in the bottle 2 days before Christmas proved to be a waste of time. I took my hard-earned specimen to the lab on the 24th and they told me, unapologetically i might add, that I would have to do it over because the pee has to be submitted the same day as they take my blood. OH REALLY?!?! Maybe someone at the lab could have clued me in when I picked up the bottle? You know, when I mentioned to the only sane human being behind the counter that I was dropping off the awesome orange bottle on the 24th and returning on the 26th to do my bloodwork? Didn't think that information was important enough to share with me that it should have taken precedence over discussing your holiday plans? No??? Okie dokie. Ironically enough the noon news on Christmas Eve, the day the lab told me that I had to put my pickles at risk again, featured a story about how the increase in deaths during the Christmas/ New Year holiday. Apparently studies have been done on this phenomenon, and one of the major contributing factors of these deaths is HEALTHCARE WORKERS LOSING FOCUS BECAUSE OF THE COMING HOLIDAYS. That's right, they weren't focused on the more important stuff, like making sure that their patients had what they needed so that they wouldn't die during the holiday season. GAH!!!
Anywhooo. 24 hour urine #2 is done, no hors d' ouvers were harmed in the process (got a cooler and bag of ice to keep the pee-pee fresh. Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven). 2 hour glucose tolerance test and a kazillion other blood tests, done. A couple layers of skin were lost to the tape from the lab (don't worry, it'll grow back!). Appointment for Donor Day is made for January 9th. Donor Day is a lovely, relaxing day spent at the Transplant Clinic, complete with visits to myriad practioners, some tests, and perhaps giving away some more blood and a healthy dose of radiation. These vague details are courtesy of my Living Donor Coordinator.
For the next couple of weeks, there probably won't be much to update. I will surely stop by just to check in, and I may even get some lab results in in the meantime, but I don't expect anything spectacular. Until then, Cheers!
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