I'm really only updating because tens of people have asked if there is any news; i assure you that after I alert the media, call my family and closest friends, update my Facebook status, post a Tweet, and post a picture on Instagram, you all are the first people to know! Promise!!! I'm still in a holding pattern; J had labs drawn in preparation for the first of his bi-weekly visits to the surgeon. In the interim, we have made a plan to go to the gym at least twice a week, I have gotten him plugged into My Fitness Pal and wearing a FitBit to help him get on a path to better health before the surgery. If I'm to be blatantly honest, I am using the gym as a tool for distraction as much as for weight loss and fitness. I can go into the gym, pop in my earbuds, blast what ever music I'm in the mood for (usually something loud and fast), and run my ass off on the treadmill or elliptical. I can escape for an hour and think of nothing but hitting that next mile on the display. It has also provided a great outlet for the anger and frustration I have felt for the last two weeks about the postponement of the surgery. If nothing else, I'll go back to the OR with a sweet 6-pack. See, there are positives to every situation.
Okay ladies and gents, off to bed for the night.
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