Friday, May 27, 2016

All good things....

I know it feels like I forgot to update, but when things run smoothly, you tend to forget that you should be thinking about them.  That being said, I had my 2 year post-donation follow up labs a couple of weeks ago, and everything is as good as I had hoped.  My kidney function is almost as good as it was pre-donation.  J is doing well, also.  I guess Lefty is happy in his no longer new living quarters.  I have been officially released as a patient from the surgical transplant department, which means that Steve has remodeled the vacated space and created an open floor plan apartment.  I will continue to follow up with them in the unlikely event that a problem arises, i.e; Steve decides that living alone is no longer the bee's knees and tries to passive aggressively request a new roommate.  I will do my very best to make sure that he is happy in his bachelor pad alone, because I really don't need the Odd Couple living in my abdomen.  I am so glad to have been able to do this for my friend; no thing makes me happier than to see how well he is doing now, compared to how he was 2 years ago.  And despite the fits and starts in the process, I would do it again in a heart beat.  I can still pee, he can still pee, so I would consider this a win-win situation!  This has been one of the best experiences of my life, right up there with marrying my husband and having my son (sorry, couldn't help the sappiness).

With all that said, I will continue this blog, but on a different site, and in a different genre.  I will be my same funny, witty, sarcastic self, but in a more user friendly environment.  Signing off for now, see you on the other side!

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